Washington State University

Space Management

Space Inventory

Instructions - PDF Files

Inventory Distribution

The Space Inventory Update Coordinator for your College/Area will distribute each department’s Annual Space Inventory Update to the individual in that department responsible for updating.

Assignable Spaces Only.

General University Classrooms and non-assignable spaces (e.g., rooms in support of a building’s general operation such as mechanical, electrical, public restrooms, custodial, circulation areas, etc.) are excluded from the Space Inventory Update.

Verify and Update

Each department should verify all data reported and note any changes in the "room description" (predominant room use), and all other related data columns (e.g., program, budget, capacity and seat type). Please note that capacity and seat type are only reported for conference rooms, teaching labs, department classrooms, and assembly and meeting rooms.

Important: Complete Updates in PDF File

Space data updates should be made next to the data currently reported in the Space Inventory Update file provided. For example, if a graduate student office is now a storage room, update the room description field as follows:

Do not print the file, hand write updates on the hard copy, scan the document and return it. When this has been done in the past, returned updates are often not legible.

No Changes

If there have been no changes to room data for a particular building please check the "No changes to room data for this facility" check box found at the bottom of each building’s room summary list.

New Rooms

If rooms have been acquired, assigned or added to your department and are not shown on the listing, please add these rooms and all relevant information to the "New Rooms Assigned to Department" page—the final page of your department’s Space Inventory. Please include the Building Number and Building Name.

Vacated Rooms

If rooms appear on the list that are no longer assigned to you, please indicate this in the "corrections/comments" column in the corresponding row. Please report the department with the new room assignment, if known.

Submit Updated Inventory

Return a corrected PDF copy of your department’s space inventory update to your College/Area Space Inventory Update Coordinator. In the event Space Management has any follow-up questions, please include in the space provided the name of the person completing the update for each building.


Any questions regarding completion of the Space Inventory Update can be directed to Don Hulst, Facilities Services, Director, Facility Information Resource Mgt., at 335-2512 or idhulst@wsu.edu.